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We have published a number of books which are summarised below and the latest posts page contains our recent papers, research, presentations and viewpoints.
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Managing Trauma in the Workplace looks at the impact of trauma not only from the perspective of the employees but also from that of their organisations.
In addition to describing the negative outcomes from traumatic exposure it offers solutions which will not only build a more resilient workforce but also lead to individual and organisational growth and development.
This book has contributions from international experts working in a variety of professions including teaching, the military, social work and human resources.
It is split into four parts which explore:
the nature of organisational trauma
traumatized organisation and business continuity
organisational interventions
building resilience and growth.
Managing Trauma in the Workplace is essential reading for anyone with responsibility to help and support workers involved in distressing and traumatic incidents as a victim, supporter or investigator.

Review: Noreen Tehrani's work should be compulsory reading for anyone responsible for the health and wellbeing of staff who routinely confront violence, trauma and child abuse. If you are responsible for people operating in this environment, you will be better at your job after reading this work.
- Jim Gamble, Chief Executive, Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre
Workplace Trauma looks at how organisations can defend their employees against psychological trauma.
Post-traumatic stress is a topical subject of increasing importance. Yet much of the writing on this subject so far has concerned stress suffered by people exposed to serious turmoil such as war and ethnic conflict. Workplace Trauma is an extremely welcome presentation of the subject of stress in the workplace
This book explores the ways that traumatic events impact the psychological well being of organisations and their employees. The effects of disasters, accidents, crime, injury and death are examined alongside examples of organisational trauma care programmes and reviews of the current thinking regarding post trauma interventions.
The insights generated are illustrated with case studies from the author's extensive experience of counselling victims of trauma at work.The theory, research and practical advice contained in this volume will prove a valuable resource for organisations and practitioners seeking guidance on reducing the impact of psychological trauma.

'At last we have a well-presented, well-researched book on post-traumatic stress and how traumatic events impact on the psychological wellbeing of organisations and their employees... the book will be extremely useful to organisations in determining the benefits of introducing trauma care programmes into their organisation. It will also give practising clinicans a very clear framework in which to work effectively with trauma and its effects, specifically in the workplace.' - Patricia Justice, Counselling and Psychotherapy Journal, March 2005
'An impressive book, which will, no doubt, rapidly become a key reference point for managers, counsellors and service providers in the future.' - Peter Jenkins, Counselling at Work, Autumn 2005
Workplace Bullying - symptoms and solutions
Is bullying really that bad? Why do some people just watch it happening? How do you know if it is bullying or strong management? What kind of leaders are able to create positive working environments?
The effects of bullying on organisations and individuals can be devastating and can adversely affect both the workers themselves and the productivity of the organisation that they work for. This book explores the impact of bullying from the perspective of both the employee and the organisation in which they work. In addition to describing the negative outcome of bullying, Workplace Bullying also looks at ways to promote resilience and the opportunity for growth and learning to take place.
Divided into four sections, this book covers:
the impact and symptoms of workplace bullying
individual interventions
organisational interventions
underlying causes and future considerations.
Workplace Bullying is essential reading for anyone with responsibility to help and support workers involved in bullying as a victim, supporter, or investigator. It offers organisations a chance to create an environment that will not only build a more resilient workforce, providing appropriate and effective interventions, but also provides solutions that will lead to the possibility of individual and organisational growth and development.

These books and others that Dr Tehrani has been involved in, are available on Amazon